Saturday, December 28, 2019

Failure And Success Of An Individual Basis - 1316 Words

Failure and success is achieved through the interpretation and individual expectations of the person whom they were expected from. This means the success and failure rate is determined on an individual basis. What may be one person’s success, may actually be considered failure for someone else. When you define the two as it pertains to probation, it is based on the conditions and modification of the terms of the offender’s probation. Therefore, success would be defined as the completion of probation, and failure would be defined as the inability to successfully commit to the terms of probation, thus being faced with revocation. To further this claim, a study by Gillin and Hill determined success by the completion of probation without†¦show more content†¦After reviewing the risk assessments of Mr. Jones, it seems he would be a low risk offender with a minimal chance of reoffending. Prior to his current charge, Mr. Jones does not have a history of criminal behav ior. This could work in his favor when sentenced. The only downfall is the inability to perfect criminal behavior. He was a law abiding citizen with no blemishes prior to his arrest. He waited for an opportune opportunity fueled by greed and committed this act. This would leave one skeptical of committing another offense if an opportunity was to arise in the future. He is gainfully employed with a college education. Although, based on his job choice, he will most likely be unable to attain his position due to his felony, he has the education to afford him ability to successfully stay employed. The downfall of his degree is that it is in finance, and with the charge of tax invasion, it is unlikely he would be trusted to work with money. The fact that Mr. Jones is married and has a stable family life, it works in his as well as the probation officers advantage. The family not only offers stability and a support system, it also creates a cause and effect approach to his conditions. Th e threat of liberty and family can be a positive factor when gaining compliance by the offender. However, the family can also be a deterrence as well. He was highly spoken by his wife and children, and is probably willing to do anything to take care of his family.Show MoreRelatedEssay Success is a Subjective State of Mind925 Words   |  4 PagesSuccess. Some crave it with all of their heart; others seek it to the end of the world, but end up not even finding what they are looking for. Is it possible that they have trouble finding what they are looking for because they do not know exactly what it is they are looking for? 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Plato And His Influences On Plato s Philosophy - 1370 Words

Plato and His Influences’ Plato and His Influences’ Plato was a philosopher of ancient Greek in Athens, Greece who was born in 427bce and die in 347, both of his parents are from Greek aristocracy. He is the founder of the Academy, the first institution in the Western world and best known for his works of unparalleled influence. Plato is considered to have laid the foundation of Western philosophy and science. He was a teacher of Aristotle, his most famous student and Plato was influenced by many philosophers, named Socrates, Parmenides, Pythagoras, Heraclitus, although he was a student of Socrates. Each philosopher had their own impact on Platonic ideas or theory. Heraclitus influenced†¦show more content†¦He was well known for the western philosophy development. One major belief is his theory of the Forms, the Forms was divided between the intelligible world and the visible world. The intelligible world is at the top of the form list, it is divided into reason/knowledge and concepts/understanding. Whereas, the visible world was at the bottom half and is divided into objects/beliefs and images/opinion. Everything that is above the line is more real and true than everything under the line. Plato thinks â€Å"that the world of ideas is the only constant and the perceived world through our senses is deceptive and changeable†. He also traveled to many places teaching rhetoric . Rhetoric is the form of persuasion use of speech or to convince people of things. There is no part of the world that was not influenced by the thinking of Plato like his hometown of Athens, the Byzantine Empire and the Islamic world, and Europe with the Romantic era and Renaissance. The impact Plato had in Athens was his philosophical school, which he founded in the grove of the Greek hero Academus. At the Academy was the center and inspiration for most of his writings including his dialogues. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Increasing Irrelevance of the World Trade Organization - Samples

Question: Discuss about the Increasing Irrelevance of the World Trade Organization. Answer: Introduction The World Trade Organization formed in 1995 was a evolved version of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade as countries all over the world sought a platform to discuss and regulate international trade (Curtis, 2012). The scope of World Trade Organization extends not only to regulating trade tariffs and barriers but also to serving as a body that negotiates critical issues like Intellectual Property Rights, support trade policies in member countries and is the Dispute Settlement Body for international trade(Curtis, 2012) To some, the WTO is the leader for trade liberalization in the world.(Meltzer, 2011) The latest round of negotiations by World Trade Organization started in Doha in2001 and culminated in Bali on 2013. The set of agreements and procedures that were concluded at the conference were compiled as the Bali Package.(World Trade Organization, 2013) However, the year 2008 was a critical point in the history of world trade. As the Global Financial Crisis hit the world in 2008, countries all over the world also saw the negative effects of excessive globalization. The brief period inflowing the crisis saw an increase in protectionist voices all over the world. (Bussire, Prez-Barreiro, Straub, Taglioni, 2010). For example, the increasing trade of USA with China was views as a reason for unemployment in the USA, thereby, views to be a cause of the crisis. (Meltzer, 2011) Key changes in WTO since 2008 The trend of lower trade barriers has started since 1950s. This trend has continued and has been lower trade barriers. During the period of 2008 and 2014, the Tariff Trade Restrictiveness Index has marginally fallen for most regions, except transition economies (group of some centrally planned economies making a shift to market economy). Similarly, the trend of fragmentation of global supply chains has also increased, implying that more goods and services are now being produced and integrated outside their home country. (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2016) Yet, the Global Trade Growth, in the post crisis world has been very slow, some even questioning if global trade has peaked.(Hoekman, 2015) Many have questioned the relevance of the World Trade Organization in the post crisis world.(Dadush, 2014) while some have credited the WTO for being able to convince countries against protectionism. (Meltzer, 2011) Table 1" Tariff Trade Restrictiveness Index (TTRI)" by Importing Region and percentage change between 2008-2014 Importing Region Index value % change in Index East Asia 2.6 -0.7 South Asia 7.1 -0.6 West Asia and North Africa 1.6 -0.3 Sub-Saharan Africa 3.9 -0.7 Latin America 1.1 -0.6 Transition economies 0.4 0.3 Developed countries 1.8 -0.3 Given below are some of the changes seen in the working of WTO due to change in world trade: Increasing Popularity of Bi-lateral and Multi Lateral Trade Agreements Outside of WTO One of the key advantages that member countries have as a part of being WTO members is that they can access foreign markets with lower trade barriers. Countries that are not a part of the WTO would have to negotiate individually. In a post crisis world, this advantage does not hold much weight. It has been observed that in the current environment, countries are increasingly turning to specialized bi-lateral and multi lateral trade agreements (Dadush, 2014) . Logically, countries have greater freedom to tailor their trade agreements to suit their needs at the multi-lateral and bi-lateral platforms than in one size fits all treaties that are offered by the World Trade Agreement. The USA and European Union have recently launched the Trans- Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership with the inclusion of countries like Australia, New Zealand etc. Similarly, Asian countries like India, Japan, Korea have formed the Regional ComprehensiveEconomic Partnership. (Wilson, 2013) Accommodation of the Clash of Interests of Developing and Developed Countries In November 2008, at the WTO conference in Geneva, member states assured that they would not resort to following protectionist measures due to the crisis.(Bussire, Prez-Barreiro, Straub, Taglioni, 2010). However, the post crisis world has forced countries across the world to see the negative effects of globalization and caused them to negotiate harder to protect their domestic interests. The same period has also seen a change in the structure of the trade of the world as the output and trade levels of emerging market economies like BRICS countries grew.(Altinkaya, 2013) (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2016) While countries like USA seek to retain domestic agricultural subsidies to maintain exports, countries like India and China seek to retain agricultural subsidies to protect food security.(Banik, 2013) Similarly, developing counties like India and Brazil believe that strict Intellectual Property Rights restrict the import of inexpensive technology which is required to fuel critical sectors and industries like agriculture and pharmaceuticals.(Riker David, 2014) Countries are increasing find it difficult to agree on various issues relating to trade in goods and services, given the increasing complexity of interest, regional and economic alliances etc. At the WTO, countries tend to negotiate like pressure groups such as G-20, African Union etc. O ne of the prime examples of such complexities is multi layered disagreements in Non Agricultural Market Access discussions. The clashing interests of various countries make it difficult to reach a comprehensive agreement of trade barriers.(Wolfe, 2013) Different countries are at different stages of development. Hence, treaties ratified by the World Trade agreement must he integrated enough to ensure that interests of developed, developed and least developing countries are not sacrificed. (Dadush, 2014) Conclusion: The Way Forward for World Trade Organization Rise of Pluri-lateral Agreements and Changes in the stance of the WTO The result of the trends reflected above is the delayed ratification of the treaty or a treaty that does not have teeth, or pluri lateral agreements However ,pluri lateral agreements seem to have disadvantages. Countries that were not a part of the negotiations, often, may not see the virtue of imposing upon themselves rules that were negotiated and discussed by other parties. (Dadush, 2014) The non-binding nature of the Bali Agreement can imply that the structure of WTO has become more flexible. The flexibility in such structures allows countries to accommodate the domestic pressures without choose between domestic growth and international trade.(Dadush, 2014) The Way Forward While countries are increasingly seeking cross-border negotiations, these negotiations are also conducted according to international rules such as those laid down by negotiations at the WTO. Thus, there is plenty of scope for the WTO to become a specialized international body that provides standards, frameworks and guidance for trade negotiations and agreements, regardless of the platform for these negotiations. The WTO can also gain more relevance by way of becoming more accessible to resolve trade related disputes. Dispute resolution is one of the key functions of the World Trade Organization. In the last decade, the number of disputes resolved by WTO has declined considerable. The share of least developed countries and Developing countries as complainants in these countries has been low to negligible.(Reich, 2017) This ia functional area that the WTO can increase its relevance in. References Altinkaya, Z. (2013). Changing Global Trade Structure After 2008 Financial Crisis. ISS MLB (pp. 594 -609). Istanbul: Istanbul Aydin University. Banik, N. (2013, April 28). Ways to Break the Doha Deadlock. Retrieved October 7, 2017, from The Hindu: Business Line: Bussire, M., Prez-Barreiro, E., Straub, R., Taglioni, D. (2010). Protectionist response to the Crisis: Global trends and Implications. Frankfurt am Main: European Central Bank. Curtis, J. M. (2012). Intellectual Property Rights and International Trade: an Overview. The Centre International Governance Innovation. Dadush, U. (2014, January 14). How Can the World Trade Organization Stay Relevant? Retrieved October 6, 2017, from Carnegie Endowment for International Peace: Hankla, C. (2014, December 9). Why the WTO still matters. Retrieved October 6, 2017, from The Conversation: Hoekman, B. (2015, June 26). Has global trade peaked? Retrieved October 8, 2017, from World Economic Forum: Meltzer, J. (2011). Gobal Economy and Development. Washington DC: The Brookings Institution. Reich, A. (2017). The effectiveness of the WTO dispute settlement : A statistical analysis. San Domenico di Fiesole: European University Institute, Department of Law. Riker, A., David, M. (2014). The Economic Implications of Strenthening Intellectual Property rights in Developing Countries. Journal of International Commerce and Economics , 1-9. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. (2016). TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT REPORT, 2016: Structural transformation for inclusive and sustained growth. Geneva: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Vickers, B. (2012). The Role of the BRICS in the WTO: System Supporters or Change Agents in Multilateral Trade? The Oxford Handbook on The World Trade Organization . Wilson, J. (2013, November 15). Multilateral, regional, bilateral: which agreement is best? . Retrieved October 6, 2017, from The Conversation: Wolfe, R. (2013). First Diagnose, Then Treat: What Ails the Doha Round? Sam Domenic di Fieslo: Rober Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Instiute. World Trade Organization. (2013, December 07). Days 3, 4 and 5: Round-the-clock consultations produce Bali Package. Retrieved October 6, 2017, from World Trade Organization: World Trade Organization. (2017, October). Understanding the WTO: Settling Disputes A unique contribution. Retrieved October 6, 2017, from World Trade Organization:

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

West Ham United Strategic Management Option of the Organization

Questions: You have been approached by West Ham United (sport management/marketing studentsi) Analyses the strategic position of that organisation, using relevant analysis toolsii) Analyses and evaluates the options for diversification of the organisations existing product portfolioiii) Makes specific recommendations for the organisation based on this analysisThe report should include appropriate contemporary academic and practical business references (in the case of the latter, specific to your chosen organisation) and rely on the critical application. Answers: 1. Introduction This report aims to analyse the strategic management option of the organisation West Ham United. With the increasing football clubs in UK and the paralleling increasing supporters of football, West Ham United has to enhance its management strategically to be ahead of its competitors and gain a competitive advantage. The report sees the strategic position of the organisation relating it to the Bowmans strategic Clock (Bell, Brooks and Markham, 2013). A VRIN analysis is done to evaluate the sustainable competitive advantage for the organisation. The frameworks like PESTLE and SWOT are used to analyse the business environment of the company. Finally the strategic recommendation with potency to develop the products is given to show that the organisation still has the capability to grow. 2. Internal Analysis 2.1 Organisational Definition West Ham United is the highest in the English football club that is based in Upton Park, England, presently playing Premier League, which the highest division of the English Football. Due to the moderate results accomplished by West Ham United FC in the activities of football in the last years, it had not qualified in any competition in Europe (Borooah and Mangan, 2012). West Ham United was placed in top 7 in the Premier League clubs by Brandfinanace in the 50 most valuable brands of football in the world that demonstrates the popularity of the club at a global stage. 2.2 Strategic Position of the Club The following diagram will portray the highlights of 31st May 2013 year end with the potency of development of the organisation, because the new contracts of sponsorships will fetch the additional funds whereas 99 year lease of the stadium will increment the capacity of the stadium by 54% that will give substantial added revenue from the matches and the season tickets (Burdsey and Gorman, 2014). Figure 1: Highlights of 2012-2013, position of the organisation The following table will show the position of the company financially: 2012 2013 Player trading Operations (excluding player trading) Total in Player trading Operations (excluding player trading) Total in Turnover of the group - 89815 89815 - 46165 46165 Other Op. Income - 1030 1030 - 730 730 Administrative Expenses (13800) (75900) (89700) (9770) (58680) (68460) Operating Profit / Loss of the group (13800) 14945 1145 (9770) (11785) (21565) Profit from the disposal of the players 170 - 170 910 - 910 Profit and Loss on the activities of operations before tax and interest (13630) 14945 1315 (8860) (11785) (20655) Table 1: Profit and Loss Account at the year end of 2012 and 2013 The above table shows the position of the organization and the improvement in the financial terms due to the escalation from Championship to the Premier League at the season end of 2011-2012. The growth of profit before taxation and interest and the turnover growth from the table demonstrate the future prospect of the organisation with the possibility of probable investment since there is financial stability of the organisation (Burdsey and Gorman, 2014). The increase in the administrative was anticipated due to the promotion of the Premier League, it shows that the decrease in the expense with give a stable position to the club. 2.3 Present Strategy The organisations current strategy is given in the following table that shows the most expensive match tickets (day) and the most expensive season tickets for the FA Premier League Season 2013-2014. Most Expensive Day Tickets of Match Most Expensive Season Tickets Club Price () Club Price () Hull 31 Hull 404 Aston Villa 44 Aston Villa 594 Liverpool 51 Manchester City 781 Manchester United 54 Liverpool 851 Manchester City 57 West Ham 911 West Ham 66 Manchester United 951 Fulham 74 Fulham 998 Tottenham 80 Chelsea 1251 Chelsea 88 Tottenham 1844 Arsenal 125 Arsenal 1994 Table 2: Expensive Season and day tickets The above table shows West Ham United uses the Bowman Clock currently and can be positioned given in the following figure. Figure 2: Bowmans Strategic Clock for West Ham United After studying the factor that West Ham has high match and high season tickets as compared to the other Premier League Club; also considering the aspect that the club owns the average rates for their official merchandise, West Hams present strategy can be positioned as High/Risky margin on the Bowmans Clock since the average outcomes implies a mediocre perceived value of the customers (Calligeris, Burgess and Lambert, 2015). The basic necessities of West Ham are to be capable enough to compete in the market since the stores and the home stadium are the significant revenue sources. VRIN framework will show if the organisation is the source of the sustainable competitive edge. The following table will demonstrate the VRIN evaluation of the capabilities of the club Capability Value Rarity Inimitability Non-sustainability David Gold Joint-Chairman The human capabilities will provide robust competitive edge because the David Gold has high experience to offer Moderately rare at the level of Premier League. The present trends show that the football clubs are acquired by the foreign investors without having a prior experience in this specific market (Chapman, 2005). It can be imitated by capitalizing contracting experts with the experience in this field only. Significant investment is required. Moderate, possibly difficult to substitute. Boleyn Ground Stadium The capability has a nice value but the mediocre capacities do not give significant competitive edge. Not unusual since the capacity is average at the Championship Level and Premier League. Possibility of imitated since most Championship clubs and Premier League have same stadiums Substitution- Olympic Stadium will substitute Boleyn Ground from the beginning of the season 2016. Olympic Stadium This specific capability has got potential value and can fetch significant competitive advantage This stadium will be the Top 5 of the stadiums in U.K. by the capacity that makes this specific capability rare Very difficult to imitate exclusive of the important investment that most clubs does not have the intention to do. Difficult to substitute 2012-2013 financial statements The organisations financial stability is a very significant factor The football clubs financial stability at the level of Premier League is not rare keeping in mind the fact that the investments made by the owners and the shareholders has the potency to be rare, when the regulations of the new Financial Fair Play are executed (COTTE and Chatard, 2011). This capability as mentioned earlier is very simple to imitate currently by the competitors but the circumstances may alter with the execution of the regulations. Not Sustainable Two online stores and official stores This capability has value and can offer competitive edge in the terms of finance This capability is not rare because every English football clubs from the Championship and Premier League have these facilities. The capability is not difficult to imitate Though official stores are considered very important by the clubs, this capability has the potency to substitute itself by the non-official merchandise. Support of Global fan This capability has high value and can offer competitive edge specifically in the terms of finance FA Premier League is deemed to be the top division of the English football clubs globally and have great support from the fans globally that make the capability not rare. Can be imitated with the investments for the promotion of the club at the international level. This capability is simple to substitute for the non-UK fans since the majority of the situations thare is no emotional association between the supporter and the club Academy of Football This capabilities have recognised value being one of the greatest Youth Academics globally and can offer competitive advantage It is often deemed to be the Top 10 in Youth Academies and the in English Football Top 3 thereby making it rare capability keeping in mind the present trends of the acquisition of the players instead of the investment in the Youth Academics (Di Mascio and Bradley, 2011). This capability id difficult to imitate since the important investment is required. However the present trend is the acquisition of the players instead of the investment in the Youth Academics. Bearing in mind the Academy of Football reputation and the outcomes it had, there is no possibility of substitution of this capability. Table 3: VRIN Analysis Framework From the above VRIN Analysis it shows that the various capabilities that West Ham United possesses can give an important competitive edge. The capabilities like the Academy of Football, Olympic Stadium and the management experiences can help the West Ham United to overpower their competitors in both UK and international level. 3. External Analysis 3.1 Industry The organisation West Ham United functions in the FA Premier League, the greatest and the highest division ranked in the English football. According to (Di Mascio and Bradley, 2013), the finance experts in football, the Premier League clubs have cumulated revenue of around 2.26bn in the years 2011-2012. Furthermore, it was estimated that there was a growth in the revenue to 2.6bn in the year 2012 and it will move to 2.9bn in the year 203-2014 for the first time. The following diagram will show the revenue generation for the Premier League Football clubs of the industry. Figure 3: Revenue sources of the Premier League Clubs 3.2 PESTLE Analysis The PESTLE analysis of West Ham United is given below showing the analysis of the external industry in which it operates its business (Dr. SP Mathiraj and Jothi M, 2011). The following table demonstrates the critical issues in the industry and provides a better emphasis of the industry to construct a feasible strategy. Political -Work Permit for the players. -Price Caps set by the government for the protection of the consumers. -The new regulation of the Financial Fair play that will increase the control on cost and the profitability of West Ham United. Economic -Shift from the recession to the recovery; change in economic environment. -High rates of immigration leads to the increment in the rates of the production thereby leading to huge concentration of people in London. -Low rates of inflation increments the power of spending. Social -Improvements in the standard of living because of the increment in the pay. -The consumers are very keen to buy the club products of West Ham United since football is the popular sport there. -Increment of interest in the football due to the organisation. Technological -Increment in the utility of e-commerce -Utilisation of the PROZONE3 for the analysis of match day -Emergence of the cloud computing that assists in incrementing te organisational productivity to increment the experiences of match day for the fans Environmental -Emphasis on the protection of the environment in regards to the factors like noise pollution Legal (similar to political) -Work Permit for the players. -Price Caps set by the government for the protection of the consumers. -The new regulation of the Financial Fair play that will increase the control on cost and the profitability of West Ham United (Gelade, 2014). Table 4: PESTLE Analysis The most significant issues that will dictate the alterations within the industry are the taxes that are charged by the Government, regulations of Financial Fair Play and the escalating interest in West Ham United. The regulations will bridge the gap between the powerful clubs and the others that will give benefits to West Ham United which has less financial capability. 3.3 PORTERs Five forces Analysis The following table will illustrate the various aspects of the industry in which West Ham United is operating. The bargaining power of the buyers The threat of new entrants The competitors rivalry The threat of the substitutes The bargaining power of the suppliers There is a low bargaining power of the buyers because the industry has a little impact of the decisions of the fans in terms of the prices of the tickets and the merchandise of WHU. WHR decrease the buyer power by giving them loyalty system (season tickets) and rebates of various segments like under 18 customers and over 65 customers There is an average threat of the new entrants in this industry because huge investment id required entering the market. The threats that are existing already is the promotion of the clubs to Premier League from Championship that is generally has less resources and cannot compete with the top clubs. The rivalry is very much prevalent and high. The clubs invest more in the squad and the facilities since the higher position fetch more income in the revenue terms. The top five positions in the league guarantee the presence of the club in the European market. This will fetch revenues further and increment the brand equity (Giulianotti, 2011). There is a low threat of substitutes in this industry because football is the popular sport not in United Kingdom only but globally. This is an average to high industry. The organisation that supply WHU with the sports related products and services like training, turf merchandise, match equipment, etc. are generally sponsored by officially to the club (Adidas for WHU). It increases the bargaining power. Table 5: Porters Five Forces Framework 4. External and Internal Summary 4.1 SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis will define the external and the internal environment of the organisation in regards to strengths, weakness, opportunity and threats of West Ham United and the industry that it executes its operations. Strengths: It is a recognised brand globally with an increment of awareness in US, Asia and the Australian markets. There is a presence of high quality in their merchandising. It is the future home stadium with the escalated capacity. The associated sponsors are Adidas, SBOBET or Alpari. There exists a huge support from the fans (Groot and Zoutenbier, 2014). There is stability in the financial position of WHU as compared to the competitors of the similar size. Weaknesses There exists less awareness and popularity globally as compared to the other English clubs like the Liverpool or Manchester United (Pringle et al., 2013). There is low financial power as compared to the competitors like Chelsea FC or the Manchester City. Opportunities The targeting markets like Australia, Asia or the United States of America being the potential markets to target for increasing the brand equity (Millward, 2013). More advertisement will increment the brand equity in the international markets. There will be opportunities of ticket revenues after the move to the Olympic Stadium. Threats The acquisition of the other football clubs by the financially robust businessmen is a probable threat. The regulation of the new Financial Fair play and the following trends of the other clubs to target the global markets are potential threats (Jones, 2011). 5. Strategic Recommendation and diversification The following table will give the strategic recommendation along with the development in the product Strategy 1: Market Development Strategy 2: Market Development Strategy 3: Product Development The first recommendation to West Ham United is to acquire a smaller club from the foreign markets like China so that the country can use the same logo like WHU (Vokes, 2010). The new club will promote the brand of WHU in the global market to increase merchandise sales and brand equity (Williams, 2009). WHU should sign up partnership with the companies that operate in the international market to promote the brand in the global market to increase the brand equity (Reinhard and Bigueti, 2013). The development of new product under the WHU logo is a strategic recommendation (Southern, 2014). It can build a rugby team which is a popular sport after football. This will increase revenues and the new addiction of the consumers towards their new product. Table 5: Strategic Recommendation and Development of Product Conclusion The report shows the different aspects of West Ham United and the capabilities of the organisations. It aimed to make a growth in the industry with sustainable competitive advantage and brand equity. It is found after a detailed analysis that the company is in a comparatively better position as compared to the other clubs. The point that is emphasised here is that WHU has to increase it brand equity by strategic alliances so that it can generate more revenue. There is also an option for developing a product like rugby which the next popular sport after football. Reference List Bell, A., Brooks, C. and Markham, T. (2013). The performance of football club managers: skill or luck?. Economics Finance Research, 1(1), pp.19-30. Borooah, V. and Mangan, J. (2012). Measuring competitive balance in sports using generalized entropy with an application to English premier league football. 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Thursday, November 28, 2019

International Labour Migration And Its Implications Social Work Essay Example

International Labour Migration And Its Implications Social Work Essay 8.1 Introduction The plight of household left-behind by migrators in developing states has attracted turning attending in recent old ages. Uneven development and poorness are promoting more people peculiarly labour migrators from rural parts in developing states to traverse boundary lines in hunt of better occupation chances ( Osaki, 2002 ) . Many of these labour migrators have left their household behind with drawn-out household members in the place states in their pursuit to better supports for themselves and their households through migration ( IOM, 2008 ) . During the last decennaries, Thailand experienced rapid economic growing that was temporarily, although aggressively, interrupted during the economic crisis that occurred in 1997 in the part, and merely late has significant recovery occurred ( United Nations, 2007 ) . These decennaries of economic enlargement were accompanied by a diminution in the importance of agribusiness and increasing geographical mobility, particularly in the signifier of labour migration from rural to urban countries and overseas ( Curran et al. , 2003 ) . In Northeast part of Thailand, in peculiar, international migration has become so much a portion of the operation of the small town as we saw in old chapters, in both economic and societal footings, that it was viewed as holding become institutionalized within the small town scene. We will write a custom essay sample on International Labour Migration And Its Implications Social Work specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on International Labour Migration And Its Implications Social Work specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on International Labour Migration And Its Implications Social Work specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Arguably, there are both benefits and disadvantages for rural families as a consequence of the migration of household members to abroad. While their going reduces local labor force and handiness to supply everyday personal attention or family aid, rural families may profit from remittals or derive pride from their household members occupational or societal success in the new scenes ( Asis, 2006 ) . Furthermore, migration including possible return are likely antiphonal to the altering state of affairs of the families. The basic subject is that emigration affects support exchanges between migrators and their families which impact the families societal and economic wellbeing. Some of the alterations will take to additions and others to losingss for each party ( Asis, 2006 ) . When a household member migrates, the most seeable and immediate impact is the material benefit, in peculiar betterments in the fiscal state of affairs of the household. As we saw in Chapter 7, the income degree and economic wellbeing of families are improved after migration going. While improved economic fortunes after migration have been noted in a scope of surveies, the societal costs of their going, particularly on those left-behind, have been frequently omitted from the migration literature. While legion migration surveies have already recognized that migration is non simply the concern of the person but besides involves and affects the migrators households, fewer surveies have progressed to analyzing in item the fortunes of those left-behind and how their lives have been reshaped in a complex mode by the going of cardinal family members ( Toyota, Yeoh and Nguyen, 2008 ) . This research was focused on apprehension of international labour migration and the wellbeing of families instead than mobility itself, and this subdivision seeks to concentrate on the impact of international migration on two clearly immobile ; the aged and the kids who are being left-behind by migrating grownups who are their kids ( for the aged ) and parents ( for the kids ) . The analyses of this subdivision are based on the fieldwork informations from family questionnaires and interviews. Due to the restrictions of informations collected, the analyses here are focused on several family instances during the fieldwork. 8.2 Wellbeing OF THE ELDERLY 8.2.1 Migration and Social Support Given the focal point of analysis, I am peculiarly interested in the wellbeing of aged parents who left-behind in rural families. Although the impact on the migrators themselves is beyond the range of the present survey, it is of import to recognize that for parents, the migrators wellbeing appears to hold been a far more of import consideration than their ain wellbeing, particularly when kids left to happen work in abroad. Interviewer: When she was approximately to go forth, did you believe with whom you would populate? Did you think of yourself in this regard? Father: I was barely concerned about myself. Since I have some land, farming work and another boy, I merely worried about the girl who left place. She was immature at that clip ; she might non hold thought much about it. ( Case 103 ) From the above statement, we can think that long-run deductions of migration for rural parent s wellbeing in old age were seldom considered by either migratory kids or their parents at the clip of initial going from place. This likely derives from several cardinal influences. First, given the immature age at which migratory kids left, the initial going typically occurred when the parents themselves were still economically active and physically good. Thus, parents frequently did non see a demand for the kid to stay in the vicinity to help them. Second, given that today s aged typically have many kids, when one departed abroad, there would frequently still be others at place or nearby. In add-on, when kids migrated, there was frequently echt uncertainness about the permanence of the move, and some parents held outlooks or at least hope that one or more of their kids would subsequently return. To the extent that the deductions for the rural parents wellbeing were considered by either party, it was normally from a more immediate than a long-run position. The inability of some parents to back up their migratory kids adequately contributed to this. Some with small or no land saw the going of their kids as alleviating economic strain within their family. Interviewer: Having your kids leave place for here and at that place, sometimes coming back so go forthing once more, makes you concerned, does nt it? Father: No, non at all. Merely that they have a occupation and money without depending financially on us. Their life off, it is all right for us. They come place one time every twelvemonth or on juncture of household events. ( Case 72 ) Far more common, peculiarly in the Northeast part, was the expectancy of the support that migratory kids would be able to supply to their parents shortly after the move to alleviate current economic adversity. The thought that migration could assist to back up parents could be initiated by either the kid or the parent. She said she did nt wish life in the countryside, but preferable life in the metropolis. She consulted with me and told me that, if she could gain money, she would direct me some. So I let her travel as she wished, she was traveling for work, non for merriment. Leaving to work, she could afford to feed herself and the household. Staying here, she had nil to make. ( Widowed mother, Case 238 ) Not all parents, nevertheless, expected meaningful material support. Several explicitly denied this, doing clear that their primary consideration was that the move would profit their kid. Interaction with migratory kids, including face-to-face contact, is a valued and of import beginning of societal and emotional support for aged parents. Since the migration of kids clearly reduces chances for face-to face interactions, it potentially undermines such support. However, geographical separation does non prevent keeping contact, and periodic face-to-face contact is possible through visits. In the undermentioned subdivision, I examine how contact between parents and migratory kids is maintained, every bit good as the nature and frequence of visits in either way. Keeping Contact While Away Not long ago, keeping contact, particularly on a regular or frequent footing, was hard for both rural parents and their kids populating in distant topographic points in abroad. If parents desperately needed to make migratory kids, the chief option was through wire. This needed both entree to a station office and cognizing an reference where the kid could be reached. The latter could present a serious job if the kid moved often or lived in impermanent lodging typical for those in building work, a common business of migratory kids abroad. Letterss could be used for less pressing affairs, but took several yearss to get, required literacy, and took an attempt to compose. Messages could be passed by mediators who travelled back and Forth, but this depended on opportunities ( Knodel et al. , 2000 ) . In the last few old ages, the widespread handiness of nomadic phones has literally revolutionized the ability of rural parents and their kids populating another state to reach each other. When I conducted fieldwork, private land-line telephones are rare. Public wage telephone booths, although now common in small towns, are frequently out of order and are merely convenient for naming out but non for having calls ( Interview informations, Case 219 ) . In contrast, nomadic phones are both convenient and progressively common. The huge bulk of parents reported that they have had at least occasional and, in legion instances, reasonably frequent phone contact with migratory kids through nomadic phones. Quite a few had a nomadic phone of their ain, typically provided by a migratory kid. Sometimes a co-resident kid or grandchild would hold a nomadic phone. Even seniors with no nomadic phone in the family normally had entree through a neighbor or nearby relation. Merely a few instances, teleph one contact was sometimes reserved for pressing affairs, and therefore infrequent. In add-on to greatly easing contact for societal and emotional grounds, nomadic phones besides serve practical intents for both parents and kids. Husband: Merely a ring. We do nt hold one, but all our kids do. It has become much more convenient since nomadic phones are used everyplace. They were expensive earlier, but I ve heard now the rate is acquiring smaller. In the past, we had to compose them letters, which took long to make their custodies. It s better now via phone. ( Case 219 ) Interviewer: What do you make, when you want to acquire in touch with the migratory kids in abroad? Husband: I call them utilizing a nomadic phone. We frequently call each other. They call me to inquire about us if I failed to reach them for excessively long. ( Case 219 ) One circumstance that clearly served to increase the likeliness of frequent calls was the presence of the migratory kid s ain kids in the family. Migrant boies or girls would name to look into up on and talk to their kids if the kids were old plenty, but at the same clip they would besides speak to their ain parents. In some instances, the grandchildren had even been given their ain telephones. Mobile phones besides make it easier for migratory kids to confer with with each other about their parents wellbeing and wellness, and to organize visits, joint excursions or proviso of material support. In several interviews, the parents specifically mentioned how their kids would phone each other when they were ailments. If I get ill, I ll name her. Then, she will phone to state her siblings. Or when I run abruptly of money, I besides tell her. She ll name to state her brothers once more. When I get ill, all our kids know that we do nt hold money, so they help us. In normal status, we sometimes have fiscal problem, so we call to state her. ( Case 45 ) Visits Visiting constitutes an of import agencies of contact between rural parents and their migratory kids, particularly given the chance for face-to-face interaction. It is highly rare for a parent non to see kids who had moved off on at least an occasional footing, and even rarer for them to lose contact wholly with kids one time they migrate. Although visits can travel in either way, in most instances, migratory kids make return visits to their place small town. In Thailand, there is a strong tradition of migratory kids who are off returning to pay respects to their parents on Song krang festival, the three-day Thai New Year jubilations in April, and many do so. Particular events such as nuptialss and funerals can besides motivate visits back to the small town ( Knodel at al. , 2005 ) . Numerous factors act upon how often migratory kids visit rural families. Distance is one. Frequent visits were more common for the migrators working in Southeast Asia ( e.g. Singapore ) , reflecting the shorter distances involved and the comparative easiness of transit from where they live and work ( Khun, 2004 ) . Another is the presence of grandchildren who were boies or girls of the migratory kid, particularly migratory girls, in the family. Regular and frequent visits were frequently associated with sing a kid in the attention of the rural grandparents. In contrast, migratory kids who were raising their household in the new location were less likely to see parents. A figure of parents accept this as being apprehensible compared with single migrators, those who were married were more steadfastly rooted in their ain new community. The type of work could besides act upon the kids s ability to see. Freelance migrators are better able to take clip off than regular employees. Parents frequently cited the inability of a kid to go forth their work as a ground why a kid did non see frequently. In some instances this may hold been more a rationalization to pardon a negligent kid, but in others it was likely to be a echt consideration. It is non easy for him to come. His work does nt let him for long leave. He ca nt be absent more than the permitted sum. At the clip his male parent died, he came to him as he was hospitalised, but had to return while his male parent was still enduring. ( Widowed mother, Case 62 ) Fiscal considerations could act upon the ability to take clip off work and to afford a trip back place, particularly since many migratory kids feel a sense of duty to supply at least some excess money or gifts to their parents on the juncture. In a few instances, strained relationships between parents or co-resident siblings and a migratory kid kept visits infrequent. More normally, nevertheless, the antonym was true, with siblings coming together to see parents or acquiring together among themselves every bit good. For some parents and migratory kids, being able to speak often on the telephone can replace for visits or compensate for infrequent visits, particularly when the kid lives far off from place. This is exemplified in the undermentioned exchanges. Interviewer: What about your boy? Does he come here frequently? Mother: Not so frequently. He calls us on a regular basis alternatively to state, hello, how are you, and how about pa? ( Case 228 ) A assortment of grounds prompt international migrator to see parents in their place community. Often the emotional demand to see parents and a sense of duty to supply societal support underlie visits. But these are frequently assorted with other motives and fortunes, such as returning to vote or transporting out concern at the territory office. Possibly most significantly, visits by kids are elaborately linked to the proviso of material support to parents. Although money can be and frequently is sent to parents through the banking system or other agencies, a preferable form is to convey the money personally when it is possible, particularly parents who were caring for the migrator s ain kid. Visits for this intent can non be frequent or regular. It is merely occasional. 8.2.2 Deductions on Social Well-being for the Aged Measuring the societal deductions of the international migration of kids on parents who have remained in the rural small town, based chiefly on qualitative informations, needfully requires subjective judgements. Measuring societal wellbeing is less straightforward than economic wellbeing. In malice of this, the interviews provide a footing for some relevant general observations on this. Indexs of parents societal wellbeing are less discernible than those for material wellbeing. I focused on keeping contact and visiting as cardinal facets of societal support. Some parents had conflicted feelings about their kids populating off. While they would wish to hold them nearby for company, they besides understood that their kids gained greater chances for gaining by migrating. Besides, the societal impact created by the absence of those who had left was moderated by the fact that most parents still had at least one child co-residing or life nearby. Clearly, recent technological alterations in communications and betterments in transit have attenuated the negative impacts of migration on societal support ; the coming of comparatively cheap nomadic phones in specific has made contact between migratory kids and their rural parents far easier than merely a few old ages ago. Telephone contact is now permeant. The ability to reach each other at short notice helps still the concerns of both parents and migratory kids about marshalling each other s aid in a clip of crisis, peculiarly when a parent falls ill. More by and large, telephone contact can supply an of import beginning of emotional support, as a parent whose kids had all moved off clearly recognised: Although our kids are far off from us now, we do nt experience such distances. Thankss for changeless contact by telephone. This truly makes us experience as though they were near us. Telephone engineering presents is rather advanced. ( Case 34 ) Better agencies of transit and a invariably bettering airdrome system besides facilitate visits between parents and their migratory kids. Although systematic grounds to document alteration is impossible, I suspect that sing increased in research sites, given the degree of betterment of airdrome and long-haul flights travel late. Now the analysis displacements to the wellbeing of the kids, another household members normally being left. 8.3 Wellbeing OF THE CHILDREN 8.3.1 Care and Family Relationship When my childs are seeking support or advice, I am the 1 available for them. It appears now I am both the female parent and male parent. ( 42-year-old male parent, Case 91 ) The absence of parents has important consequence on household life, particularly for kids. The absence of parental attention may stand for a major want, due to miss of supervising, support, encouragement and function theoretical accounts. Children whose parents are absent due to migration may hold limited functions in their communities, and this can impact their development, socialization, and household relationships. The new constellation of the household entails alterations in responsibilities and undertakings for the household members left-behind ( UNICEF, 2006 ) . In the bulk of Thai households, like other Asiatic societies, female parents take attention of the household and execute undertakings such as cookery, cleansing, taking kids to wellness installations, assisting them with their prep and oversing them during their leisure clip. The traditional function for the male parent is gaining money, although many functions are shared by male parents and female parents ( Bryant, 2005 ) . The information for this survey found that the going of one or both parents leads necessarily to the rearrangement of gender functions and entails redistribution of duties in family plants. The nature and extent of these alterations depend on the parent who has migrated: when the male parent is the migratory parent, 64 per centum of female parents continue playing their traditional function of direct care-giver. When female parents migrate, merely 46 per centum of male parents take on the function of direct care-giver and execute all the responsibilities antecedently carried out by female parents. We can think from this information that male parents may have support from other female household members in fact, in mother-migrant households, care-giving has tended to fall more on other household members ( grandparents ) than on the male parents. The function of other female household members was besides apparent in households where both parents worked abroad kids were most frequently left in the attention of grandma or maturate female siblings, and in any instance, the lone countries where male parents were more outstanding than other female relations are the subject of kids, assisting the kids with school work, and learning the kids about good manners. Children frequently have trouble accommodating to the new household constellation and the new division of duties. Harmonizing to the fieldwork informations, kids left-behind by one or both parents take on more duties in their families, and this sometimes ends up in an overpowering burden of responsibilities. In rural Thailand in peculiar, the kids of migrators are frequently involved in their household s agricultural activities. Children interviewed in the study asserted that their new duties did non let them clip for drama, and in some instances, this affected their peer relationships. My sister and I now do everything that our female parent was making when she was at place, and our male parent works in the farm. ( 16-year-old female, Case 107 ) I take attention of the American bisons, and my brother do the dishes and rinse the apparels, which mother used to make when she was at place ( 11-year-old male child, Case 269 ) The most of local leaders ( village caputs ) interviewed for the qualitative informations aggregation mentioned repeatedly that it is much better for kids to populate with their parents[ 1 ]. Long absence besides creates tensenesss with care-givers and can ensue in household ( or marital ) dislocation. In really few instances, a relationship between hubby and married woman is clearly compromised or undermined by one spouse working abroad. I have heard that my hubby has another adult female in abroad. But I do nt mind every bit long as he sends the money place. ( 47-year-old married woman of male migrator, Case 8 ) The household relationship as a sphere of wellbeing in some families is really much a secondary 1. Some respondents to the qualitative interview reported that divorce is a direct and frequent effect of traveling to work abroad, nevertheless in title, matrimonial dislocation frequently preceded working abroad due to fiscal adversity doubtless reflecting the exposure of peasant farming under the uncertainnesss of market conditions and clime. Despite extended household system, some kids left-behind receive small physical or emotional nurturing from their care-givers. In some instances, kids experience a sense of forsaking. Some kids interviewed felt that grandparents or other relations are non the best care-givers, peculiarly if they are in their teens. A few kids are stressed-out excessively much and exposed to drug maltreatment, but this is a really rare instance. Since the child-care functions of parents vary harmonizing to their gender and the kid s age, it was of import to research the links between the sex of the migratory parent and the impact of their absence on kids. The family studies found that the sense of forsaking is exacerbated when the female parent is the migrator: in 14 per centum of households with a migrator female parent, the kids s perceptual experience is that cipher is taking attention of them, while merely 3 per centum feel this manner in households with the male parent abroad. The following tabular array shows about the parents absence and its consequence on male childs and misss. Table 8-1 Parents Absence and Its Consequence Mother Left Father Left Both Left Male childs Girls Male childs Girls Male childs Girls Excess work at place A Hour angle A A A Hour angle Relationship with staying parent Sodium A A A Hour angle Hour angle * A=Affected, HA=Highly Affected, NA=Not Affected. Beginning: Household study informations, 2008. The migration going of parent ( s ) non merely affects the day-to-day life of kids but besides their relationship with the staying parent. A few instances of forsaking were reported, but the magnitude of this issue was non adequately determined. This phenomenon seems to go on sometimes when female parents migrate the male parent finds a new spouse and leaves his kids. When they need aid, kids left behind entreaty to different people depending on their age and the issue. Children over in-between school of age ( 56 per centum ) prefer their friends, co-workers or elder sisters and brothers instead than grownups. Younger kids ( 94 per centum ) entreaty more to the people who are caring for them. Child with both parents absent rely to a great extent on their friends ( 74 per centum ) . Girls left behind populating with their male parents encounter more troubles than male childs as they can non speak with their male parents about jobs related to their physical ripening. They have to seek support from other females populating with them, or normally friends and close relations. 8.3.2 Percept of the Children on Their Parents Migration Departure After the going of one or both parents, kids have to set to new functions, adapt and reorganize their lives and their relationship with the parent left-behind and with their equals. The nature and magnitude of these alterations depend on the age of the kids and the length of the separation, but besides on the new constellation of the household as described earlier. Figure 8-1 Children s Opinion about Changes in Their Lifes When Their Parents Work Abroad School public presentation Housing Relations/Parent Relations/Peer Part-times Food Beginning: Household study informations, 2008. Information gathered from family studies provides a assorted image. Overall, kids tend to hold an optimistic position about the migration of their parents. In general, they perceive their ain wellbeing as improving: better lodging ; fiscal support for instruction ; good apparels and nutrient, etc. Respondents surveyed considered that the relationships with the parents working abroad and their kids were good. Merely 6 per centum felt these relationships had deteriorated to a certain extent while 58 per centum thought that the relationships were the same as before and 6 per centum thought that the relationships had improved somewhat or significantly ( Figure 8-2 ) . Most of kids interviewed said that international migration did non hold much of an consequence on their relationships with their parents, as 58 per centum thought that their relationships have non changed and merely 6 per centum idea they have gotten worse. Despite these positive perceptual experiences, some kids particularly those whose parents have been working abroad for more than 5 old ages stated that their parents left them excessively early and should hold waited until they had grown up a small, and they are disquieted about their hereafter and mentioned that they might confront jobs such as hard relationships with their parents and troubles in guaranting both personal and household wellbeing. 8.3.3 Children s Education and School Performance In Thailand, instruction has ever been considered as a value domain and as a consequence, it has continuously been given high precedence by the province and families ( NSO, 2004 ) . Despite this strong involvement, really small research has been done to through empirical observation measure the effects of migration on educational results in rural Thailand. In researching the inquiry as to whether migration and remittals are increasing kids s educational attainment, the family study found that the impact of remittals on instruction ( school enrollment ) is really positive, but the qualitative interviews reveal that impact of remittals on educational public presentations is instead modest or non known. However, it should be noted that this sentiment is non supported by any quantitative trial of kids s educational public presentation. The worst instances are when the migrator is the female parent of kids because female parents normally help their kids with their prep. I have a difficult clip at school. I used to analyze good but since female parent left, there was no 1 to assist me look into my assignments. My classs started to drop and I did nt hold much involvement in surveies now. ( 14-year-old male child, Case 224 ) In the instance of kids with both parents abroad, most of care-givers mentioned holding jobs explicating school stuffs to kids left-behind. Many grandparents can non read the text editions and are non able to assist their grandchildren with their prep every bit good, even in the primary classs. However, no instances were reported that the grandparents are pretermiting their grandchildren, and above statement can non be an index for appraisal the magnitude of this issue. The consequence of remittals on educational public presentation is hard to measure, but harmonizing to the sentiments of households with and without migrators, they believe that the kids of migrators would hold more opportunities for higher instruction. Children left-behind who receive money from their parent ( s ) working abroad have better opportunities to go on their instruction than other kids. ( 38-year-old female parent without migrators in family ) Interestingly, an analysis by Francesco Manaresi of the Faculty of Economics, University of Florence in 2005-2006 utilizing a specific theoretical model to treat informations from the family Budget Survey found that merely one group of kids is positively affected by parental migration, i.e. , female kids populating in urban scenes whose male parent is a migrator. Harmonizing to this analysis, kids left-behind by migratory male parents in rural countries experienced an addition in school absence irrespectively of their gender. On the other manus, the consequence of maternal migration on kids left-behind is an addition in school absenteeism in urban countries, while kids left-behind by their female parents in rural countries do non describe any consequence at all. However, these consequences should be treated with cautiousness, since they may be caused by several different factors. For illustration, the fact that kids left-behind by migratory female parents are comparatively older than those left-behind by their male parents and hence they are absent from school more frequently. In add-on, child labor is peculiarly of import in rural countries, explicating the addition in school absence. 8.3.4 Children s Health Evidence from the international migration literature shows that migration can impact the wellness of those left-behind kids both positively and negatively ( IOM, 2007 ; UNICEF, 2006 ) : with extra money coming from remittals, people have easier entree to wellness services, can purchase expensive medical specialties and eat more nutrient. However, other study ( UNICEF-UNDP, 2007 ) besides shows that the absence of migrating parents may negatively impact kids s wellness: kids do nt have needed attention and drugs in a timely manner. Hence the study tried to find if changing persons and communities resources by migration and remittals affect besides wellness of kids left-behind in rural Thailand. However, due to the multi-dimensional relationship between migration and wellness and deficiency of information, the survey is non able to find to what extent migration and remittals affect kids s wellness position. In add-on, while it is non possible to measure this impact, a few instances from family study reported that high degrees of emigration of extremely skilled labor such as a physician deprive the indispensable forces from communities and have reduced entree to indispensable services such as wellness attention. It is the common belief that the absence of parents somewhat affects kids s physical and psychological wellness. Harmonizi

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Cell Culture Technique

Cell Culture Technique Biological advancements have contributed to the improvement of society in various forms. Biomedical research which forms the foundation for spectrum of inventions/discoveries, has its origin in techniques like cell culture.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Cell Culture Technique specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Cell culture involves creating an artificial environment of growing that mimics the natural one in all the characteristical features in a laboratory. So, growing the cells of animals, plants or human beings, yeast and bacteria in a lab setting, constitutes the cell culture. It is mainly employed to examine new drugs and detect infectious agents (Dictionary of Cancer Terms n.d.). The methodology of cell culture is a bit complicated. In order to achieve the robust growth of cells, specific conditions need to be maintained. The key process involved in handling living eukaryotic cells initially is mandatory awarene ss of materials and methods. It involves the use of 370 CO2 incubator, phosphate buffer saline, plastic ware, glass ware, petri dishes, trypsin/EDTA, vialsfor cryopreservation media like DMEM, Hemocytometer is provided with cover slip, DMSO and FBS for cell freezing etc(Protocol: Cell Culture 2012). Initially, cell culture begins with primary culture. It constitutes a stage where cells are picked from tissue and multiplied in the presence of suitable atmosphere till they become full grown on the platform known as substrate, resulting in confluence (Introduction to Cell Culture 2012) Here, cells need re-culture known as passaging or subculture achieved by the transporting them to a novel vessel with medium of growth which is fresh to enable more space for the prolonged growth. Primary culture is the important step and prerequisite for any kind of cell culture technique. A failure in proper maintenance of Primary culture could lead to total failure in the overall culture process (Intr oduction to Cell Culture 2012). Maintenance of cell culture is firmly linked with safety interlinked with cross contamination issues. This is because, cell culture unit contains many particular dangerous agents linked with hand contact and modifying chemicals, solutions of corrosive nature, tissues and cells of plant, animal or human. The potential dangers are punctures occurring accidentally with needles, spills on the skin, mouth contact through pipetting or ingestion and inhaling infectious agents like sprays, exposures etc.Advertising Looking for essay on biology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To overcome these problems, agencies like National Institute of Health (NIH) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have provided biosafety recommendations United States. It is mainly focused on four types of biosafety levels (BSL). BSL-1 is the primary option of protection to many laboratories involved in basic and clinic al research. BSL-2 is suitable for medium risk contributors that lead to severe disease in human, that vary deepening on complexity, by contact with percutaneous membranes. BSL-3 is suitable for agents of indigenous nature which have a capacity for transmission like aerosols and that lead to detrimental infections. BSL-4 is suitable for indigenous agents that carry a high risk or fatal by aerosols of infectious nature and no therapy exists (Introduction to Cell Culture 2012). But laboratories of only high containment possess these agents. Hence, there are specific guidelines that not only ensure safety but also may be helpful to avoid all possible chances of contamination from both prokaryotic and eukaryotic sources. These are wearing equipment of specific personnel type and replacing contaminated gloves with new ones, disposal of all wastes suspected of contamination, washing hands after contact with dangerous materials prior to the laboratory closing hours, avoiding smoking, drink ing, food consumption and storage in the lab, close adherence to the institutional rules and regulations with regard to handling glassware, pipettes, scalpels and needles, lessening the development of aerosols and leakages, removing surface contamination with suitable disinfectant near the work place before and after the experiments, infectious material spills, regular cleaning of laboratory devices as well as instant reporting of the laboratory incidents that occur due to contact with infectious agents to a laboratory authority (Introduction to Cell Culture 2012). Next, for preventing contamination from sources like sneezing, skin shedding, and spores, dust which serves as the vial constituents of aerosols and airborne particles, employing a hood of cell culture, is essential. Setting up cell culture hood relies on the location where there are a restricted outlets like windows, doors and no personnel movements. The work place must have only necessary reagents, lab ware and protocol s. One must disinfect work place, clean instrument regularly before and after use with 70% ethanol, use ultraviolet light for air and surface sterilization of hood, while using at frequent intervals, as well as maintain the hood in running conditions through the available time and switching it off when there is no work. In the cell culture, the cell lines are the most important ones to consider (Introduction to Cell Culture 2012).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Cell Culture Technique specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The cell lines are defined as the products of primary culture obtained by subculture. Primary culture of the given cell lines possesses a short duration of life known as finite cell lines. When these cell lines are subjected to passaging, the resultant cells obtain a robust phenotypic and genotypic stability marked with lustrous growth potential. As such, cell line growth is achieved in two ways. One is monolayer or adherent culture which is achieved on substrates of artificial nature and another one is suspension culture, achieved through medium of free floating nature (Introduction to Cell Culture 2012) Cell line contamination needs to be understood from the point of view of biological contamination in general. These may be grouped under Bacterial, Mold Virus, Mycoplasma and yeast types of contamination. Bacterial contamination is recognized by visual observation of culture during the very initial days of infection. The cultures appear turbid with low pH of the medium and tiny appearance of bacteria. Molds are a special category of eukaryotic microorganisms and infection; in the early stages they contribute to turbidity with visual appearance of spore clumps and thread like thin filaments under microscope. Viruses are microscopic organisms with high multiplication potential. Infected cell lines can be identified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), immunoassays, immunostaining a nd electron microscopy (Introduction to Cell Culture 2012). Mycoplasma are bacteria without cell wall. Their infection of cell lines contribute to altered metabolism of cells, low multiplication potential, suspension culture agglutination, etc.Advertising Looking for essay on biology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Detection is possible though PCR, immunassays, and the most important, Hoechst 33258 – fluorescent staining. Yeasts are microorganisms of eukaryotic type and their infection contributes to turbidity, pH variation, with rounded appearance in the culture which can be microscopically observed (Introduction to Cell Culture 2012). Very often in the cell culture unrelated cell growth could lead to contamination and cell line growth more than the expected limit. This is nothing but cross-contamination which may appear as of interspecies and intraspecies among human cell lines. Possible detection strategies may include cytogenetic analysis and DNA fingerprinting. Earlier, by employing this approach, the investigators were able to detect nearly cross contaminated cell lines brought from hematopoietic cell lines of different source and those belonging to the original researcher. This situation of cell line cross contamination could be attributed to constant necessity in the protocol fo r cell culture viability and identification. Maintenance of multiple cell lines is the contributing factor sometimes and it can be avoided by regular monitoring for specificity and identity, markers, karyotyping and immunoprofile (Drexler, Dirks, MacLeod 1999). To better overcome the problem of contamination, U.S. National Institutes of Health has commissioned the utility of authentication of cell line investigations. Here, a private firm Promega has come forward with PCR system in a multiplex format known as StemEliteâ„ ¢ ID System (Oostdikv et al. 2009). This approach better recognizes the contamination in variety of cells like those of mouse and human by making comparison between a standard genotype and genotype developed by StemEliteâ„ ¢ ID System (Oostdikv et al. 2009). Even for the plant cell culture contamination detection, the strategy recommended was maintenance of cultures aseptically with regard to Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) by meristem explants and good laboratory practice (GLP) guidelines (Cassells Prestwich 2009). Pure cell lines are important for a variety of applications like Blood Factor VIII, Erythropoietin (EPO), hybridoma technology to produce monoclonal antibodies (Applications of Animal cell culture 2009). Large scale culture of cells is done in industries in order to scale up for the development of cell bank systems. For this purpose, huge bioreactors like compact-loop bioreactor will be used that optimizes the cells in the medium by providing biological, physical and chemical factors. For cultures operated in batches, spinner flasks and Micro Carrier Beads are used for scale up (Applications of Animal cell culture 2009). This indicates that pure cell lines are very important for scale up processes in industries. It is reasonable to mention that very often impure cell line growth may contribute to adverse reactions in the bioreactors. The impure cell lines may release unnecessary bye products that may become t oxic and affect the down stream process. More probably, it may interfere with the routine biological and chemical properties offered by a bioreactor, as mentioned earlier. This may not only alter the yield of the culture but also affect the equipment with great chances of interproduct contamination. Thus cell culture appears a vital research strategy for a variety of biomedical applications. References Applications of Animal cell culture 2009, Cassells Alan C Prestwich Barbara Doyle 2009,Contamination Detection and Elimination in Plant Cell Culture, viewed on Dictionary of Cancer Terms: Cell culture n.d.. Drexler, HG, Dirks, WG, MacLeod,RA 1999, ‘False human hematopoietic cell lines: cross-contaminations and misinterpretations’, Leukemia, vol. 13 no.10, pp.1601-7. Introduction to Cell Culture 2012, Oostdikv Katie, Petterson Adam, Schagat Trista Storts Doug 2009,  Stem Cell Line Authentication and Contamination Detection,

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Women as commodities of colonialism & capitalism Essay

Women as commodities of colonialism & capitalism - Essay Example Critical relations between races and genders were first formed to somehow satisfy the demands of Imperialism, which is characterized by unequal economic, cultural, and territorial relationships which are believed to be the ways of reaching the goal of globalization at high speed. This pushed for a re-examination of race and gender dynamics to fit imperialism’s aim for profits. Intellectual representatives of Capitalism, an economic system that supports private ownership of the means of production of goods or services, which is again brought about by Colonialism movement believed that White people are the only race that are capable of entrepreneurial skills and to produce profits that resulted to the exploitation of the white working class while Africans or the blacks were deprived of land, properties, and work. They were only considered slaves which started the inception of a society of parasites and crimes. Indeed, it was not only racism that Colonialism created, instead, an empire that consisted of many captive nations (Lee and Rover, n.p.). Neocolonialism made the case of poverty, inequality, and abuses grow worse. Aside from racism that was imposed on the Blacks, women were also considered as commodities that were mere instruments for the production of wealth, tainting on their natural and moral rights. The target would always be unmarried women who did not have children and at the same time widowed women. Some concrete examples of which would be the deployment of mostly young women by bulk to some of the most developed capitalist countries such as Bangladesh, a large supplier of apparel to America to provide cheap labor, specifically, a $13 monthly wage; Minor women ages 15 to 35 were forced to work in sugar or mining in South Korea and Thailand with an unfavorable working environment, and or involve them in sex trade that pushes for tourism which is one of the strongest source of foreign trade that time; and a lot of women were involved in the elec tronic industry where after just three or four years of work would already cause them eyesight damage because of the endless hours of peering through a microscope just to maximize profit in exchange of only $15 - $25 a month wage (Lee and Rover, n.p.). Aside from the deployment of women in foreign countries to provide cheap or no labor at all, women were also exploited in their own motherland. The United Nations data report shows that two thirds of the food production profit of the world came from women labor during neocolonialism and colonialism (Lee and Rover, n.p.). Women were greatly associated as the faming class until farming opened into an export business that translated into easy cash, which caused farming and agriculture reassigned to men as part of their gender identity, while women were immediately driven off their lands. During the rise of Capitalism, gender roles and relationships began to be more unsettling especially to the commoditization of women. Instead of Capital ism becoming a good opportunity for women who mostly have experiences in textile, technology, and agriculture business to own and grow their own businesses that would increase local and foreign trade, it increased oppression of women. As opposed to neocolonialism and colonialism where women only have to endure super-exploitation in labor, Capitalism added a burden to them by challenging women to work around strong religious traditions in their workplace. An example of which are women workforce in Malaysia would have to face moral and ethical issues in relation to